Why I Write on Medium

And how I turned that into a nifty post for another site

Karen DeGroot Carter
2 min readDec 14, 2020


Photo by Daria Nepriakhina on Unsplash

My first year on Medium has been an adventure. None of my Medium posts have gone viral or earned me a lot of money, but I’ve connected with nearly 1,000 other writers, published 60 stories, and had my work featured in 14 different publications. I’ve also become much more active on social media, posting links to my stories on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter every time they’re published and occasionally sharing other writers’ Medium stories that have impressed me.

My increased activity on social media has also led to more followers across the board, a plus as I strive to build my author platform for my books. A couple months ago one of my tweets led the editor of the Women Writers, Women’s Books website to ask me if I’d like to contribute an article. When I asked if she’d be interested in a post about Medium, she responded with an enthusiastic yes. A couple weeks later, my piece, “How Medium.com Has Helped Me Build My Author Platform” was published.

That post covers what I consider to be the pros and cons of Medium and includes links to my author website, karendegrootcarter.com, and cover photos as well as links to both my novel, One Sister’s Song, and my writing ebook, Not Nearly Everything You Need to Know About Writing (Vol.1). (Please note this post includes



Karen DeGroot Carter

Bylines in Publishers Weekly, Literary Mama, others. One Sister’s Song (novel). Not Nearly Everything You Need to Know About Writing (ebook).